This paper focuses on what can be said to be the definitive features of the approach to theology by three Russian theologians: Fathers Sergii Bulgakov and Georges Florovsky as well as the Venerable Father Sophrony Sakharov. The article argues that the following common themes characterize the nature of their theology. First, personalism, in other words, the use of the term “person”, which they extensively applied to both God and human and angelic beings. The concept of person is indispensable in the thought of all three theologians. The second common theme is how the authors understood the relationship between theology and experience and what is the significance of religious experience for philosophical theology. Finally, all three theologians agree that when theological truths are expressed in human language the problem of interpretation consequently arises. However, they answer in different ways the question of the number and status of possible theological languages. I conclude that it is St. Sophrony Sakharov who in his life and theology realized Florovsky’s famous call for a neo-patristic synthesis.
Translated title of the contributionК пониманию природы богословия у отцов С.Н. Булгакова, Г.В.Флоровского и преподобного Софрония Сахарова
Original languageEnglish
JournalStudies in East European Thought
StateE-pub ahead of print - 4 Apr 2024

    Research areas

  • Sergii Bulgakov Saint Sophrony Sakharov Georges Florovsky Personalism Religious experience Theological languages Sophiology Neo-patristic synthesis, Theological languages, Religious experience, Sergii Bulgakov, Neo-patristic synthesis, Personalism, Georges Florovsky, Sophiology, Saint Sophrony Sakharov

ID: 116222055