The purpose of the study is to analyze the necessity of introdu -
cing the subject of “Digital Law” in the educational process of
the specialty “Jurisprudence”. The authors consider one of the
objectives of higher legal education to be the formation of digital
competences and digital culture in future lawyers, which is going
to contribute to the intensive development of the digital economy
and administration. The paper refines the concepts of “digital
culture” and “digital competence” substantiates the composition
of their structural components, and spells out the paths of the
development of these qualities as part of training in the specialty
of “Jurisprudence”. The study explores approaches to the de -
velopment of digital competences in law students utilized in in -
ternational practice. The authors conclude that the theoretical
foundations for the discipline of “Digital Law” cannot yet be con-
sidered fully contrived. The development of digital competences
is only indirectly affected by teaching the discipline of “Digital
Law”, along with the study of applied disciplines teaching the
application of digital technology in judicial practice.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to) 640-646
JournalRevista Conrado
Issue number18(S1)
StatePublished - Apr 2022

    Research areas

  • digital competence, digital culture, Digitalization, jurisprudence, legal regulation

ID: 95669621