The report examines the phenomenon of modern Science Art, its cultural
contextuality and significance. The author considers this phenomenon revealing its
meaning through three opposite and, at the same time, true positions, namely: 1. Science
Art is not a science and has nothing to do with a modern scientific project/only Science
Art is a genuine science. 2. Science Art is not an art/Science Art is the only art of our time
in that horizon of meaning of the phenomenon of ―Art‖ which is thought ―hic et nuns‖.
3. Science Art is an art understood as a game/Science Art has nothing to do with the
concept of art that evaluates what is happening in the domain of artistic creation as
a game. The general conclusion is that Science Art projects as post-human, humancyborg projects in the new hyper -, and cyber-reality ―humanize‖ the lifeless space of
virtual reality. Creative evolution activity takes place in the format of Science Art.
Besides, it is capable of creatively reformatting that part of hyper- and cyber-reality,
which is ―by definition‖ inhuman and lifeless. The project of Science Art is essentially a
project of conversion of hyper- and cyber-reality on the model of the ―living‖, new, but
―not too lively‖ virtual reality.
Translated title of the contributionSCIENCE ART: CYBORG’S ―GAME‖ OF THE FUTURE
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationНаука как общественное благо
Subtitle of host publicationсборник научных статей. В 7 томах
EditorsЛада Шиповалова
Place of PublicationМ.
PublisherРусское общество истории и философии науки
ISBN (Electronic)978-5-6045557-1-2
StatePublished - 2020
EventВторой международный конгресс Русского общества истории и философии науки «Наука как общественное благо» - СПбГУ, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 27 Nov 202029 Nov 2020


ConferenceВторой международный конгресс Русского общества истории и философии науки «Наука как общественное благо»
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

    Research areas

  • Science Art, cyborg, posthuman, virtual reality, transcoding processes

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 71240623