Among the trends, which started developing in postSoviet Russia, Christian Orthodox Psychology (Christian Anthropology) stands out. Unlike the majority of postSoviet developments, this is an entirely authentic trend, closely related to Russian culture, grounding on Russian authors, and appealing to Russian mentality. Christian Orthodox psychology is continuing a tradition, rooted in the preSoviet period, which was flourishing then, but was entirely abandoned for 70 years of the Soviet power. At the beginning of the 20th century, an important place in Russian psychology was occupied by Christian Orthodox psychology. Professors of Universities’ history, philosophy and philology departments as well as clergymen at the Russian Orthodox Church Academies and seminaries contributed to this trend. This trend emerged virtually simultaneously with the one oriented to standards of natural sciences, which later dominated in Soviet psychology, and was developing in constant polemics with the latter. This determined genera
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBook of AbstractsJOINT MEETING of ESHHS (European Society for the History of Human Sciences) & CHEIRON (International Society for the History of behavioural and Social Sciences) Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - July1, 2016.
StatePublished - 2016
EventJOINT MEETING of ESHHS (European Society for the History of Human Sciences) & CHEIRON (International Society for the History of behavioural and Social Sciences) Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - July1, 2016 - Барселона, Spain
Duration: 27 Jun 20161 Jul 2016


ConferenceJOINT MEETING of ESHHS (European Society for the History of Human Sciences) & CHEIRON (International Society for the History of behavioural and Social Sciences) Barcelona, Spain, June 27 - July1, 2016
Abbreviated titleJOINT MEETING of ESHHS and CHEIRON
Internet address

    Research areas

  • христианская психология, духовность, антропологическаяпроблема, проблема целостного человека

ID: 7577228