This paper aims to consider approximation-estimation tests for decision-making by machine-learning methods, and integral-estimation tests are defined, which is a generalization for the continuous case. Approximation-estimation tests are measurable sampling functions (statis-tics) that estimate the approximation error of monotonically increasing number sequences in different classes of functions. These tests make it possible to determine the Markov moments of a qualitative change in the increase in such sequences, from linear to nonlinear type. If these sequences are trajectories of discrete quasi-deterministic random processes, then moments of change in the nature of their growth and qualitative change in the process match up. For example, in cluster analysis, approximation-estimation tests are a formal generalization of the “elbow method” heuristic. In solid mechanics, they can be used to determine the proportionality limit for the stress strain curve (boundaries of application of Hooke’s law). In molecular biology methods, approximation-estimation tests make it possible to determine the beginning of the exponential phase and the transition to the plateau phase for the curves of fluorescence accumulation of the real-time polymerase chain reaction, etc.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2301
Number of pages26
Issue number18
StatePublished - 17 Sep 2021

    Research areas

  • Approximation, Approximation-estimation test, Integral-estimation test, Least-squares method, Markov chain with mem-ory, Markov decision process, Markov moment, Quasi-deterministic process, Unsupervised machine learning, CRITERIA, approximation, NUMBER, Markov chain with memory, approximation-estimation test, REAL-TIME PCR, integral-estimation test, unsupervised machine learning, quasi-deterministic process, least-squares method

    Scopus subject areas

  • Mathematics(all)

ID: 85898765