Reading skills of the children with language disorders is one the main problems of correctional pedagogy. This study is one of the first eye-tracking experiments on the Russian language material, which explores how children read and comprehend texts with various types of adaptation, namely one and the same text in lexical
adaptation (replacement of complex and rare words to more common ones), and grammatical adaptation (simplified syntactic structures and sentences). To examine this issue, 32 secondary school students with general speech underdevelopment and 32 secondary school students with normal speech development were involved in the experiment. The participants’ eye movements were measured by Eyelink 1000+ during reading of 2 stimuli: a lexically- and a grammatically adapted text on two different stories. The complexity of the texts was equalized via We measured the total dwell time, the total fixation count, average saccade amplitude, average duration of the first pass and the number of regressions for each text. The text comprehension was controlled by after the text questions and scaling method, when the participants had to evaluate the level of text difficulty. The outcome has shown that there is no significant difference in processing and comprehension of lexically adapted and grammatically adapted texts in both groups of participants: each
type of adaptation proved to be efficient for recalling the information. Nevertheless, we revealed the differences in the patterns of eye-movements for norm and different forms of general speech underdevelopment for both text types. Supported by RFBR grant No18-00-00640.