• V.N. Kats
  • V.P. Kochereshko
  • A.V. Platonov
  • T.V. Chizhova
  • G.E. Cirlin
  • A.D. Bouravleuv
  • Yu.B. Samsonenko
  • I.P. Soshnikov
  • E.V. Ubyivovk
  • J. Bleuse
  • H. Mariette
We report on the photoluminescence characterization of GaAs quantum dots embedded into AlGaAs nano-wires. Time integrated and time resolved photoluminescence measurements from both an array and a single quantum dot/nano-wire are reported. The influence of the diameter sizes distribution is evidenced in the optical spectroscopy data together with the presence of various crystalline phases in the AlGaAs nanowires.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)015009_1-5
JournalSemiconductor Science and Technology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2012

    Research areas

  • AlGaAs nanowires, quantum dots, micro-photoluminescence

ID: 5206319