Visual component of advertising contributes to formation of views and stereotypes in children. It also affects on the popularity of these products. Therefore, the author has studied non-verbal patterns of perception of visual images in preschool children using the eye-tracker method. The authors also used psychodiagnostic methods for an in-depth study of this question. The work analyses the advertising impact on humans and establishes that certain elements, which can have a strong influence, can be distinguished depending on age. The authors of the study discovered what zones are more attractive to children. It was determined that the biggest impact on children is produced by characters on the package. Having analysed statistical data, it is determined that children in the age group of 5–6 years look at fable characters longer than at taste and brand names. The authors outlined the most important elements of the package based on the results of this study.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)442-453
JournalCurrent Psychology
Early online date17 Aug 2018
StatePublished - 2021

    Scopus subject areas

  • Psychology(all)

    Research areas

  • Eye tracking, Non-verbal pattern, Perception, Psychophysiological investigation, Visual image

ID: 36687734