

In the framework of the implementation of the all-Russian climatic project “Carbon measurement test sites”, reference soils of “Seven Larches” carbon supersite, which is a benchmark and the only monitoring site in the Artistic latitudes, were investigated. The morphological structure of representative soils was specified, and it was found that soils are classified as Cryosols of different types (Histic, Stagnic or Gleyic). The basic physico-chemical characteristics of the soils were studied. By means of elemental analysis and 13C NMR spectroscopy, the composition and molecular structure of humic acids from organic and mineral soil horizons were studied. The surface (organic) soil horizons are characterized by high values of H:C molar ratios (1.2–1.3), which indicates a lower degree of the molecular structure aromaticity of humic acids from organic soil horizons. Analysis of the molecular structure of humic acids by 13C NMR spectroscopy showed that humic acids of the studied soils are characterized by the predominance of non-substituted aliphatic (0–47 ppm) and aromatic (108–164 ppm) fragments. Mineral soil horizons are characterized by higher stabilization of organic matter (with lower SOC content—0.5–0.9%) and higher hydrophobicity of humic acid molecules. Comparison of the obtained results with previously published data on the structural and elemental composition of humic acids isolated from soils of similar genesis and geographical location did not reveal any significant differences between the data obtained by us and previously published data. Thus, for “Seven Larches” carbon supersite “reference” parameters of elemental composition of humic acids, their molecular composition and degree of stabilization of soil organic matter were identified.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6673
Issue number15
StatePublished - 4 Aug 2024

    Research areas

  • 13C NMR spectroscopy, SOM stabilization, carbon balance, carbon supersites, cryosols

ID: 122355123