Abstract The article presents a new method of modification of hydrophobic sorbents. To improve sorption pre-concentration of polar organic compounds in the air analysis, these sorbents are coated with cobalt chloride. This modification increases retention volume of lower alcohols by 5-10 fold as compared to that of unmodified sorbents and solves the problem of gas-chromatographic determination at 1-2 ppb (micrograms/m3) by using the most common flame ionization detector. It should be noted that the modification of hydrophobic sorbents by cobalt chloride has little influence on their porosimetry parameters (specific surface area, proportions of meso- and micropores) and modified sorbents are capable of retaining hydrophobic nonpolar and weakly polar analytes as well as original unmodified sorbents. Thus, a fairly simple procedure leads to a large positive effect.

Original languageEnglish
Article number15569
Pages (from-to)427-431
Number of pages5
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2015

    Scopus subject areas

  • Analytical Chemistry

    Research areas

  • Air analysis, Cobalt chloride, Pre-concentration, Sorbents, Surface-layer polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Volatile organic compounds

ID: 3944709