Extraordinary extended lampbrush chromosomes with thousands of transcription loops are favorable objects in chromosome biology. Chromosomes become lampbrushy due to unusually high rate of transcription during oogenesis. However, until recently, the information on the spectrum of transcribed sequences as well as genomic context of individual chromomeres was mainly limited to tandemly repetitive elements. Here we briefly outline novel findings and future directions in lampbrush chromosome studies in the post-genomic era. We emphasize the fruitfulness of combining genome-wide approaches with microscopy imaging techniques using lampbrush chromosomes as a remarkable model object. We believe that new data on the spectrum of sequences transcribed on the lateral loops of lampbrush chromosomes and their structural organization push the boundaries in the discussion of their biological role. Also see the video abstract here:

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e2200250
Issue number5
Early online date28 Feb 2023
StatePublished - May 2023

    Research areas

  • chromatin domains, chromomere, hypertranscription, lampbrush chromosomes, nascent RNA, transcription loop, transcription unit

ID: 104348342