The article deals with the problem of parent-child relationship in the digital age. The results of a study of the expectations of parents of primary school students from the transition to digitalization of the educational process in the context of their relationship with their own children are presented. The sample of the study is about 500 people. The main research method is a survey conducted in 2020 (before the coronavirus pandemic) and in 2022. A comparative analysis of the positions of parents before and after the transition of students to learning using digital platforms was carried out. A comparative analysis of the positions of parents before and after the transition of students to learning using digital platforms was carried out. The main reasons for the possible improvement of parent-child relationship during the transition to digitalization of the educational process, parents considered the possibility of joint development of digital tools and digital resources, as well as the development of the child’s independence in learning. Parents considered the child’s excessive immersion in the digital environment and loss of control over the child to be the main reasons for the possible deterioration of relationship with children. Based on the results of the second survey (2022), it was revealed that the main fears of parents were not justified. Moreover, after participating in the experiment on the work of children on digital educational platforms, many parents noted the positive impact of this experience on the development of the child’s subjectivity and relationships with parents and peers.
Translated title of the contributionВлияние цифровизации на отношения детей и родителей
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)96-99
Number of pages4
Issue number1 (42)
StatePublished - 2023

    Research areas

  • digitalization, education, parents, PRIMARY SCHOOL, children, FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS, parent-child relationship, conflicts, interaction, PARENTAL CONCERNS

ID: 104477883