Fractal dimenttion EEG dinamics in solving task recognition of bar plots
The aim of our study was to find out the dynamics of changes in the functional state of the brain during the work of psychology students with graphs and tables.
We designed an experiment in which subjects compared graphs and tables and find tables that are equivalent to a certain graph. The first study involved 25 people. It was attended by first-year undergraduates and employees of the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University.
The experiment involved the presentation of a series of stimuli contents a graph and three tables, one of which corresponded in numerical values to the graph. Factors: the number of cells (from 4 to 9 cells in the tables, and bars in the graph), the variability of the column names in the tables.
According to the results of Repeated measures MANOVA, several significant effects were found. At the beginning of the solution, the fractal dimension averaged over all derivations was higher than at the end (F (1, 168) = 15.712, p =, 00011). A reliable interaction of factors of the decision stage and the predominance of one or another type of intelligence was found (F (1, 168) = 6.2569, p =, 01333). In subjects with a predominance of mathematical intelligence, the decrease in fractal dimension was significantly greater.
In the process of solving the problem of recognizing histograms in the brain, the work of the neural network is reorganized with minimize complexity. It is reflected in an increase in the accuracy of identification and categorization of the graph, and manifested in a decrease in the fractal dimension of the EEG.

Translated title of the contributionДинамика фрактальной размерности ЭЭГ при решении задач на распознавание графиков
Original languageEnglish
Article numberS138-S139
Pages (from-to)S138-S139
Number of pages2
JournalInternational Journal of Psychophysiology
Issue numberS
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2021
Event20th World Congress of Psychophysiology - Университет Электронных Наук и Технологий Китая (UESTC), Чэнду, China
Duration: 7 Sep 202111 Sep 2021

ID: 88540011