Background: There is a hypothesis in computational psychiatry about imbalance between sensitivity of d1 and d2 receptors in schizophrenic patients (Maia T. V., Frank M. J. 2011). This impairment affects the difference in learning speed when making Type I and Type II errors in reinforcement learning. Mismatch in learning speed might be the source of re-education of brain neural network leading to positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia.

Methods: We have previously established by registering the MMN and P300 (Gorbunov I. A. et al. 2018) the features of processing of an information about mistake during implicit learning in schizophrenic patients depending on taking typical and atypical neuroleptics reflected also in cognitive abilities associated with selective attention, analyticity, and field independence.

The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 16-06-00182

Results: These features appear in ERP on prediction error in wave inversion P3b (430-480 ms). In neuroimaging with LORETA in this period normal P3b shows activation of deep structures in hippocampal region, at the same time, in schizophrenic patients taking typical neuroleptics during this period activation in frontal cortex is observed.

Conclusions: It is interesting to associate these features with the activation of d1 and d2 dopamine receptors. Domination of Type I and Type II errors learning can be assessed with experiment on learning of two patterns. First pattern mostly learned on Type I mistakes, and second on Type II mistakes. ERP on mistake and success must be registered during both parts of experiment. Data collected during such experiment will allow to clarify information about ERP indicators on Type I and Type II mistakes and therefore on functioning of Dopaminergic system in reinforcement leaning.

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Translated title of the contributionВП как индикаторы типов ошибок в обучении с подкреплением у больных шизофренией
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S105-S105
Number of pages1
JournalInternational Journal of Psychophysiology
Issue numberS
StatePublished - 1 Oct 2021
Event20th World Congress of Psychophysiology - Университет Электронных Наук и Технологий Китая (UESTC), Чэнду, China
Duration: 7 Sep 202111 Sep 2021

ID: 88540221