The author considers Spinoza's natural philosophy views in the context of some creationistic and cosmological conceptions of medieval Jewish thinkers, primarily, those of Maimonides and Gikatilla. At this, special attention is given, on the one hand, to revealing of homonymous notions' relative contextual differentiations, and, on the other, - of relevant designations' correlations. E.g., the author endeavors to reveal the following correspondence in Spinoza's system: The 'Elohim (God as the "Aggregate of Powers") - Deus, sive omnia Dei attributa - Natura naturans. In many Jewish creationistic and emanational-emergent teachings, as opposed to Spinozan monistic and panentheistic system, "the Nature" (hat-Teba') is considered to be "the Imprint" (NB: The root taba' means to "imprint", to "mint") "imprinted" by the 'Elohim, and this aspect can be interpreted as a way to emphasize the Eternal Being's transcendence in connection to the Universe.

Translated title of the contributionSpinoza's deus et natura in context of maimonides's and gikatilla's views on god's acts in the "Nature's" formation
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)170-185
Number of pages16
Issue number3
StatePublished - 31 Mar 2016

    Research areas

  • 'elohim-god, Deus, Gikatilla, Maimonides, Natura, Spinoza, Tetragrammaton, The Hebrew bible, The medieval peripatetism

    Scopus subject areas

  • Philosophy

ID: 7561676