Modern society characterized by cultural, linguistic, confessional mosaic. Awareness and acceptance of the fact of the diversity of the world around us, people, phenomena, things largely determines the ideological position of a person. The case study -study of inter-ethnic relations involves the development and conduct of situational seminars on the study of ethnic conflicts using the case study method. The article discusses the methodological authoring, aimed at the study of interethnic, inter-ethnic relations. The conceptual content of the term is disclosed that allows its use in the course of a group discussion. The main stages of carrying out are described: fact-finding, immersion with the use of a "psychological simulator" and exit; the content of each of the stages is disclosed, the basic requirements for conducting the methodology both at the personal and group level are defined, tasks for individual and group work are described; given detailed description of the parties to the conflict. As an auxiliary material for the use of the methodological development, a "historical reference" is proposed, which helps the participants to cope with the task. Recognizing the obvious fact that there are positive (functional) consequences of ethnic conflict, however, the author puts forward the proposition that no positive consequences of ethnic conflict can neutralize its negative, destructive consequences. In conclusion, a number of recommendations are proposed aimed at studying inter-ethnic relations, in general, and in particular. The advantages of the case study method are described on the example of studying ethnic conflict.
Translated title of the contributionCASE-STUDY STUDYING OF INTERETHNIC RELATIONS
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationМежэтнические отношения и процессы в современном мире
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы всероссийской с международным участием научной конференции, посвященной 95-летию доктора философских наук, профессора В. И. Затеева
EditorsВ.И. Затеев, М. В. Бадмаев
Place of PublicationУлан-Удэ
PublisherИздательство Бурятского государственного университета
ISBN (Print)978-5-9793-1379-5
StatePublished - 2019
EventМежэтнические отношения и процессы в современном мире - Улан-Удэ, Russian Federation
Duration: 29 May 201929 May 2019


ConferenceМежэтнические отношения и процессы в современном мире
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Scopus subject areas

  • Psychology(all)

ID: 42982273