• И.Л. Пуппо
  • А.Ф. Сайфитдинова
  • Ю.А. Логинова
  • А.А. Кинунен
  • З.Н. Тонян
  • Ю.Р. Пастухова
  • О.А. Леонтьева
  • Р.А. Кузнецова
  • О.Г. Чиряева
  • А.А. Пендина
  • О.А. Ефимова
  • А.В. Тихонов
  • А.В. Петровская-Каминская
  • В.С. Дудкина
  • Л.И. Петрова
  • И.В. Полякова
  • С.Г. Щербак
  • О.С. Глотов
  • Н.К. Бичевая
The present study reports on the results of preimplantation genetic testing and IVF outcomes in four families, where one of the spouses is a carrier of Y/15 or Y/22 derivative chromosome: three cases of male carriers and one—of female carrier. In the cases of male carriers, we detected the predominant inheritance of the derivative chromosomes by the embryos and no abnormalities in sex chromosome segregation. In the case of female carrier, we did not observe either predominant inheritance of derivative chromosome by the embryos or effect of derivative chromosome on sex chromosome segregation. In all families, we revealed a high frequency of embryonic aneuploidies of chromosomes other than those involved in translocation. To exclude inheritance of the derivative chromosome by the offspring, preimplantation genetic testing should be recommended: fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), which allows identification of the Y-chromosome satellite DNA, followed by next generation sequencing (NGS) or microarray compa
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)471-480
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), Next Generation Sequencing., preimplantation genetic testing, satellite DNA, Y/autosomal translocation, Y/аутосомные транслокации, преимплантационное генетическое тестирование, сателлитная ДНК, секвенирование нового поколения., флуоресцентная in situ гибридизация

ID: 78532260