The first decade of the activity of Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov Seminary in Prague, became world famous thanks to its publications and above all to collections “Seminarium Kondakovianum” published annually since 1927 was marked by a number of scientific achievements. The first two collections gather not only Western researchers and Russian emigrants but also scientists who remained in the USSR (D. V. Ainalov, V. N. Beneshevich, I. Yu. Krachkovsky, N. V. Malitsky, A. A. Spitsyn, S. N. Troinitsky, S. A. Zhebelev). The principle of cultural unity and mutual influence of West and East is largely determined by the fact that among creators of “Seminarium Kondakovianum” there were Eurasians (G. V. Vernadsky, N. P. Toll) and problems of the collections (not without their influence) were extremely broad and reflecting the diversity of culture of Eurasia from the Far East to Western Europe. The idea of cultural cooperation was laid down in the works of N. P. Kondakov who demonstrated close ties between the culture of co