Purpose - development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the resource approach to professional health (PH) and models of support of professional health of managers. It is noted that most of the research is aimed at identifying factors of professional health of specialists at the stage of regular activities. Little studied psychological resources of the health at the stages: "entry into the profession" - the choice of profession, training, adaptation (stage of professional development), as well as at the stage of "exit" from the profession. Research methods: a specially developed complex of evaluation of the professional health of managers on the basis of biopsychosocial model resource of health-symptomatic health questionnaire on the physical, psychological, sociopsychological and spiritual-moral levels; scale assessment of physical and mental performance, stress resistance, assessment of life position (realism - activity -optimism); questionnaires: professional burnout, professional well-being
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationСубъект труда и организационная среда: проблемы взаимодействия в условиях глобализации.
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • managers, professional health, psychological health resources, psychological support, stages of the professional path, профессиональное здоровье, психологические ресурсы здоровья, психологическое сопровождение, руководители, этапы профессионального пути

ID: 78567787