The COVID-19 pandemic is making significant adjustments to international politics and causing shifts in the geopolitical alignment of states on the world stage. Along with the usual methods of diplomacy, relatively new forms of foreign policy are acquiring a large scale, one of which is the so-called "vaccine diplomacy". At a time when the world is in dire need of a high-quality and affordable vaccine, it is becoming an important instrument of international influence and a key public good. Those countries with an effective vaccine and the most active vaccine policies have significant benefits. In this regard, the scientific interest is how countries manage their vaccines, what drives them when they send batches of their vaccines to other countries, what motives they are guided by when determining supply regions, forming pricing policy, conditions and specifics of contracts. In this work, the author analyzes the main driving motives of the vaccine policy of different states, the goals and geopolitical interests that determine it, the potential benefits that countries pursue in the distribution of vaccines. It also reviewed the current state of affairs in the vaccine race, presented models of vaccine policy implementation by different countries and, within their framework, specific examples of agreements, conditions of supply and benefits obtained.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)422-434
JournalТеория права и межгосударственных отношений
Issue number12 (24)
StatePublished - 2022

    Research areas

  • Vaccine Race, Vaccine Diplomacy, geopolitical interests, COVID-19 pandemic, «Soft Power» Policy

ID: 94651204