The article considers the famous dystopian novel by the Russian writer Eugene Zamyatin “We”, which was completed in 1920. The author analyzes the text taking into account the historical and cultural circumstances of its appearance. A point of view is expressed on the regularity of the appearance of this text in a specific situation, both in Russia and abroad. The author presents the prerequisites for the emergence of such an original work, which made it possible for it to appear in the difficult conditions of the class struggle and the formation of a new society in Russia. The research focuses on the features of the General structure of the novel, aimed at creating a very specific image of the future for readers. Attention is drawn to how the writer forms a likely negative perception of the future society based on the ideas of social equality and justice in the readership. This problem is related to the research of Eugene Zamyatin's original approach to revealing the essence of interpersonal relationships, which is expressed in the very title of his novel. From the point of view of grammar, it corresponds to the current laws of the Russian language. But at the same time it takes on a symbolic meaning, expressing in brief the ideology of a socialist society. The article also traces the influence of the work under study on the tradition of the development of this genre in the world and domestic civilization, and, above all, in Western and Soviet literature (works by Aldous Huxley, Jord Orwell, Ray Bradbury, Andrey Platonov). Special attention is paid to the conflict between the individual and the society of the future, which is developed in the plot of the work thanks to a whole system of visual images. According to the author of the article, many details and plot aspects of the analyzed work cause quite specific associations with modern reality, details of the functioning of state and public institutions in the conditions of the declared world pandemic. Such circumstances cannot but actualize the text of the Russian writer, who is identified as a genre dystopia.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)106-112
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • Zamyatin, "We", dystopia, history, culture, epidemic, personality, society

ID: 76378646