Cherry salmon juveniles were grown from 24 to 27 months of age in running water at a temperature of 6-8 ° C at the Bereznyakovsky fish farm and in a system with reverse water supply at a temperature of 12-13 ° C at Lovetsky fish farm. The increased water temperature did not lead to an acceleration of the fish growth rate and did not accelerate the development of the ovaries, but stimulated the development of testes in some males. In both farms, oocytes entered the vacuolization phase in some females, and on Lovetsky fish farm, puberty of some males was observed.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • cherry salmon, fish farm, Oncorhynchus masu, Sakhalin Region, рыбоводный завод, сахалинская область, сима

ID: 78444876