The paper is dedicated to triangulated categories along with torsion theories in them; we compare two possible definitions of this notion. We also study the most important types of torsion theories, these being weight structures and t-structures (along with admissible triangulated subcategories). One of the main goals of the paper is to demonstrate that several important definitions and properties of weight structures and t-structures naturally extend to general torsion theories (so, we define smashing and cosmashing torsion theories); this observation leads to a certain optimization of proofs. Similarly we generalize the notion of adjacent and orthogonal weight and t-structures. Moreover, we relate adjacent torsion theories to the Brown-Comenetz duality and Serre functions; we hope to apply these results to the study of t-structures in compactly generated categories and in certain derived categories of coherent sheaves. Furthermore, we prove some completely new statements on the behaviour of torsion theories un
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)27-43
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • adjacent structures, Brown-Comenetz duality, Serre functor, Torsion theories, Triangulated categories, t-structures, t-структуры, weight structures, весовые структуры, двойственность Брауна-Коменца, соседствующие структуры, теории кручения, триангулированные категории, функтор Серра

ID: 78570307