It is possible to find large tandem repeat (TR) families in assembled contigs of any genome. In the current work TR have been found in the genome assembly of pig Duroc, species specific TR families annotated and some of them mapped to the metaphase chromosome plates by FISH with the oligo nucleotide probes counted from bioinformatic data. All the TR exist in Repbase revealed by our approach, 18 new pig TR families found in Sscrofa10.2 assembly beside known ones. The pig TR monomers are bigger than in mouse and human genomes. There are 12 pairs of sub/metacentric (Mc) and 6 pairs of of acrocentric (Ac) chromosomes among pigs’ set of 18 autosomes. 15А and 243А probes found to be specific for Ac, 50A – for MC, 335А probe label all the chromosomes in centromeric region. This set of probes have been used to trace the centromeric region organization during spermatogenesis. There is specific pattern for each probe in fully formed spermatozoids. In meiotic prophase I all probes label circles, which is not found in th
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)798-810
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • chromatin organization, spermFISH., tandem repeat, организация хроматина, тандемные повторы

ID: 78622968