This article studies the social aspects of students’ self-representation using the virtual information and rating system LevelPride, which allows creating a personal portfolio and rating them. The purpose of this research involves analyzing the usefulness of this resource as one of the ways to integrate and modernize the regional education systems. The latter may lead in the following directions: 1) to motivate students to keep their professional information up to date and to present it effectively; 2) to assess whether the created competences comply with the requirements of contemporary labor market and social expectations. The authors studied the data from LevelPride’s e-portfolios (more than 10,000 user profiles), using descriptive, cluster, and factor analysis. The results show five basic clusters structured according to the students’ social activities and achievements. Based on their preferences in terms of their self-representation, the authors distinguished three types of students. Each of these groups
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)66-77
JournalSiberian Socium
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • communication in Internet, e-portfolio, higher education, social self-presentation, social user's profile, students, высшее образование, интернет-коммуникации, социальная самопрезентация, социальный профиль пользователя, студенты, электронное портфолио

ID: 78458485