The article discusses the issue of cooperation between India and Vietnam through the military-industrial complex (MIC) for the period from 2021 to 2022, and assesses its further development. Based on the interview given by the Indian Foreign Minister, it can be assumed that India is extremely interested in cooperation with Vietnam, seeing this as an opportunity for a symmetrical response to China's actions in South Asia. India supports Vietnam's
position in the South China Sea both financially and militarily. Of the financial leverage, one can single out the provision by India of a 100 million military loan to Vietnam for the purchase of patrol boats. As part of the military approach, the military exercises of the Indian and Vietnamese navies in the summer of 2021 should be noted. As a result, the author concludes that in the coming
years we should expect even greater development of relations between Hanoi and New Delhi.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)358-362
JournalОбществознание и социальная психология
Issue number2(46)
StatePublished - 25 Jan 2023

    Research areas

  • India, Vietnam, military-industrial complex, cooperation, South China Sea, shipping problems

ID: 102527689