
The formation of theoretical foundations for logical semantic and initial stage of the development of basic semantic concepts in the British logic of 19th century is considereded in the paper. It has been shown that in the framework of this logical tradition has appeared, first, the principal concepts of the naming theory (in Oxford logic), and, second, the concept of interpretation and compositional approach (in Cambridge algebra).
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationДесятые Смирновские чтения по логике
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы международной научной конференции 15-17 июня 2017 г.
Place of PublicationМ
StatePublished - 2017
EventДесятые Смирновские чтения по логике - МГУ, Москва, Russian Federation
Duration: 15 Jun 201717 Jun 2017


ConferenceДесятые Смирновские чтения по логике
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

ID: 99686356