Successes the historical study of the Сountries of Northern Europe in the USSR began to be observed only in the mid-twentieth century. Soviet researchers then continued to study the «history of the masses, the broad social movements» from the Scandinavian countries. At the same time, then historians began to strive to study the «peaceful periods in the history» of the Nordic countries. Moreover, such tendencies can be seen most fully by the example of a change to the further study of the history of Finland. e wars between the USSR and Finland now sought to «forget». All problems in the Soviet-Finnish relations were seen due to the negative in uence of the West on Finland. is trend can be traced by the example of materials published in the rst and only periodical in the USSR devoted to the issues of the study of the history of the Nordic countries- the « e Scandinavian Scriptures». It has been published in Tallinn since 1956, and It had to prepare at the University of Tartu. « e Scriptures» was supposed to unite all researchers in the USSR who were studying the history of the Nordic countries, contributing to the «development and strengthening of friendly relations between the peoples of the Soviet Union and nearest neighbors in the north-west». In addition, the release of this «Scriptures», obviously, was to emphasize the new role of the USSR that began to play in the Baltic region.But the claims of the University of Tartu to become a coordinator for the research activities of all Soviet historians who studied the Countries of Northern Europe turned out to be unrealistic. In the new position of the USSR, only Moscow could really become the “main” center for the study of the history of the Nordic countries.Nevertheless, during the existence of « e Scandinavian Scriptures» (1956-1990), over 300 works of Soviet authors were published on its pages. In this respect, the role of « e Scriptures», as the center of the association of researchers, remained.