Аrticle discusses the problem of staffing and updating the composition of professors at the Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg, established in 1804 as a branch of the proposed university. A huge role in the successful activities of this institution and its transformation into Main Pedagogical Institute, and then St. Petersburg University, was played by S.S. Uvarov, the former in 1811-1821 the curator of the metropolitan school district. The directions and results of the recruitment of leading foreign scientists of various specialties for teaching at Pedagogical Institute, the staff of academic migrants, many of whom have remained forever in Russia, are traced. Among the foreigners there were also scientists, who had transferred to Pedagogical Institute from other institutions. Inviting foreigners S.S. Uvarov used personal contacts with European intellectuals, administrative opportunities and diplomatic relations. Thanks to the efforts of Uvarov, Pedagogical Institute and its successors received a galaxy
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationСоциально-гуманитарный вестник.
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • 1811-1821, 1811-1821 гг, curator of educational district, foreign professors, Pedagogical institute in St. Petersburg, russian empire, S.S. Uvarov, иностранные профессора, Педагогический институт в Петербурге, попечитель учебного округа, российская империя, Уваров Сергей Семенович

ID: 78501895