The article analyzes the implementation of the concept “house” in the novel "The Green House" by M. Vargas Llosa and in the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by G. García Márquez. The importance of the designated concept is substantiated both for the entire Latin American literature of the “boom” period and for the poetics of these specific authors. In the course of the study, a typology of houses in the "Green House" by M. Vargas Llosa is compiled, the features of the implementation of the concept of the house in the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by G. García Márquez are characterized. The result of the comparison is the selection of several oppositions, emphasizing the fundamental differences between the "houses" of the authors under study: ordering vs synthetism; external vs internal; plurality vs singleness; dynamic vs static; realistic vs real with elements of the unreal; rational vs intuitive; road romance vs family romance; vector vs cyclic.