The article is devoted to the concept of moral licensing, which appeared only in the 21st century, and speaks about personality behavior in ethically ambiguous situations (we tend to let ourselves do morally reprehensible things after we have performed or have recollected the good things we did). The study attempted to develop a method of studying moral licensing and a similar phenomenon of moral disengagement by A. Bandura. The main hypothesis of the study is the assumption that recalling of socially approved actions increases the probability of choosing a more socially disapproving answer in the process of solving the moral dilemma (through moral licensing).The authors developed a case study involving a moral dilemma based on a real conflict situation related to establishing «a cultural laundry service» by the charity organization “Nochlezhka” in Moscow in 2018. A long version of MD-24 moral disengagement scale (Moore et al., 2012, adapted by Ledovaya et al., 2016), “Big Five” (B5-10) Russian version of the
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • moral dilemma, moral disengagement, Moral licensing, moral regulation, контент-анализ, моральная дилемма, моральное лицензирование, моральное отчуждение, моральное регулирование, Сontent Аnalysis

ID: 78619646