The article examines transnational novels and their translations with the goal to analyze English insertions in a Czech-language novel by J. Škvorecký, Czech insertions in a German-language novel by L. Moníková and Slovak insertions and enciphered realia in Germanlanguage novels by I. Brežná. The conclusion is made about the role of foreign insertions and realia in the representation of Czech and Slovak identities in these novels and about the requirement to convey this literary technique in literary translation.
Translated title of the contributionLanguage Means Forming Czech and Slovak Identities in a Text of a Transnational Novel and its Translation
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationСлавянский сборник: язык, литература, культура
Place of PublicationМ.
PublisherМАКС Пресс
ISBN (Print)978-5-317-06117-3
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • identity, Czech, Slovak, Transnational fiction, foreign insertions, Realia

ID: 41528282