Based on the author's approach towards an analysis of the nature of laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the article justifies the need for broadening of compliance assessment authorities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the sphere of regional laws meaning to imply an obligatory character of compliance assessment not only of constitutions (statutes) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and laws on amendments to the same, but also compliance assessment of constitutional (statutory) laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation meaning that they should be viewed as acts of constitutional importance by their material content and formal and legal attributes. Within the framework of the same approaches related to specification of the correlation between constitutional and administrative statutory compliance assessment, the authors substantiate the requirement for inclusion of laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the compliance as
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)26-32
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • administrative and constitutional statutory compliance assessment, constitutional and statutory laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, constitutions (statutes) of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federa-tion, административный и конституционный нормоконтроль, законы субъектов РФ, конституции (уставы) субъектов РФ, конституционно-уставные законы субъектов РФ, конституционный суд РФ, конституция РФ

ID: 78593496