The article presents the results of a factor analysis of the investment attractiveness of five regions in which world-class scientific and educational centers function, which are one of the tasks of the national project "Science". Among the indicators of investment attractiveness, the emphasis is placed on innovative and labor factors as integral components of the region's human capital, its reserve and potential. A systematic analysis of the factors of investment attractiveness made it possible to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the regions where RECs were created. The used methodology for assessing the region's human capital reserve made it possible to calculate its volume, which consists of the available human capital of the region and external - migration flows to the region in which the REC is being created. The conclusions drawn as a result of the study include: 1) regions with a high assessment of labor and innovation factors are leaders in the rating of investment attractiveness of regions; 2) a low assessment of the raw material (natural resource) factor is leveled by human factors (innovation and labor), i.e. is not a source of development in the knowledge economy; 3) infrastructure development is one of the indicators of investment inflow into the region, including for the development of science-intensive industries and a favorable investment climate; 4) migration processes in regions with established RECs do not act as a source of inflow of external effective human capital; 5) the observed trends of a decrease in the birth rate and a decrease in the number of the economically active population can be considered as a factor in reducing the reserve of regional human capital in the future.