The objectives of the work were to study subjective well-being of adolescents in different life situations in connection with their time trans-perspective. Sample: 286 adolescents aged 15–16 years (160 girls, 126 boys); 77 are brought up in an orphanage, 144 – in full families; 65 – in incomplete families. Methods: life satisfaction scale by E. Diener, “Psychological autobiography”. A significant decrease in the level of subjective well-being in adolescents from orphanage and a tendency to decrease it in adolescents from incomplete families is revealed. Orphanage pupils and teenagers from single-parent families register more negative events in the past. In these groups positive correlations of an assessment of life well-being and quantity of negative events in the past ((p<0,05) are revealed, in group of adolescents from full families this correlation is negative. Such correlations indicate that negative experience of the past acts as a prerequisite for satisfaction with life in present time in adolescents, who have experienced separation from one or both parents. In adolescents who have not experienced such trauma, negative events of the past act as a factor, that reduces the assessment of their life as prosperous.
Translated title of the contributionSubjective well-being of adolescents in different social situations of development in connection with life event saturation
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationМетодология, теория, история психологии личности
EditorsА.Л. Журавлев, Н.Е. Харламенкова, Е.А. Никитина
Place of PublicationМ.
PublisherИнститут психологии РАН
ISBN (Print)9785927003976
StatePublished - 10 Oct 2019
EventВсероссийская научная конференция «Методология, теория, история психологии личности» - Москва, Russian Federation
Duration: 10 Oct 201910 Oct 2019


ConferenceВсероссийская научная конференция «Методология, теория, история психологии личности»
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Research areas

  • subjective well-being, social situation, Adolescents, life events, past, present, future

ID: 49349467