The operating conditions of current highways require the development and implementation of new testing standards for pavement materials with regard to dynamic impact. Pavement materials have a complex hierarchical structure exhibiting a self-consistent response to load at different scale levels. The corresponding parameters of the phenomenological models used for macroscopic objects essentially depend on lower-scale processes, and this relationship determines the behavior and strength of the material under both static and dynamic loading. This paper reports dynamic test results for some bitumen binders and asphalt concrete, and provides their analysis on the basis of the incubation time criterion. The tests were conducted using a split Hopkinson pressure bar on materials previously exposed to room or negative (-10°C) temperature. Experimental data showed that the structural-temporal approach based on the concept of the incubation time of fracture can be a good tool for analyzing and predicting the dynamic str
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)24-34
JournalФизическая мезомеханика
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • asphalt concrete, bitumen, dynamic loading, dynamic strength, incubation time criterion, velocity dependence of strength, асфальтобетон, битум, динамическая прочность, динамическое нагружение, критерий инкубационного времени, скоростная зависимость прочности

ID: 78598872