The article is devoted to the problem of the study and popularization of the Russian research and educational schools of journalism. The analysis was made on the opinions of the representatives of the leading Russian universities that prepare journalists. The author makes a conclusion about the applicability of the concept “research and education school” to the Russian journalism research practice. The author also states the importance of popularization of the unique domestic experience of research and educational activities in journalism. The Russian school of political journalism is considered as an example of a research and educational school that possesses the characteristics necessary for recognition in the Russian and international academic environment. It has established research areas under the supervision; educational programmes of the appropriate specialisation; programmes of postgraduate and doctoral studies and corresponding Dissertation Councils; and research journals that publish the results of research in the relevant fields. There is a detailed study of the contribution of the St. Petersburg research and educational school of political journalism to the development of the national journalistic education and the corresponding branch of scientific research. Among the achievements of the researchers of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications of the St. Petersburg State University, the author refers to: development of a conceptual apparatus and definition of the content of the research field devoted to political journalism; introduction of a special academic discipline of the political science of journalism into the curricula of future journalists of; the master’s program in “Political Journalism” and defending of the candidate and doctoral dissertations in “Journalism” with the awarding of academic degrees in political science; the publication of a course book “Political Journalism” for high schools; the implementation of research projects on the relevant issues; thematic conferences; and publishing collections of research papers in political journalism.