The paper considers the potential of solving the issues of education of the indigenous population of the Arctic Council member-states as a tool for overcoming contradictions and developing sustainable interaction. The multi-sided and complex composition of the Arctic Council member countries contributes to the interaction of actors in the international process, which are often opposed to each other on other platforms. The instrument of inclusion of small peoples in the modern economy of the region is a high-quality education and a system of support during the educational process, the rejection of the principles of conscious preservation of the traditional economy and the formation of innovative consciousness through education, while preserving the national culture and language. The universality of the principles of educational cooperation allows us to form common approaches to cooper-ation in other areas.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationУрегулирование современных международных конфликтов: проблемы, инструменты, методы.
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • арктика, арктический совет, коренное население, образование, образовательная политика, традиционное хозяйство, цели устойчивого развития

ID: 78601462