Military service is inevitably accompanied by regular stresses arising both outside the war zone and as a result of physical and psychological traumas received during exercises and military clashes, which increase the likelihood of depressive disorders and suicides. Along with the identification of personal risk factors and the implementation of professional selection, the urgent task is to develop personal psychological resilience of servicemembers and to use interpersonal, socio-psychological and organizational protective factors for proactive prevention of depressive disorders and suicides under stressful influences. Group cohesion of the unit is a socio-psychological protective factor largely providing a positive emotional climate and an atmosphere of support. Personal training. socio-psychological and organizational proactive interventions aimed at increasing resilience should be activated before the risk of psychological disorders appears training.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • cohesion, depressive disorders, proactive prevention, protective factors, resilience, servicemembers, stress, военнослужащие, депрессивные расстройства, защитные факторы, проактивная профилактика, сплоченность, стресс, устойчивость

ID: 78456787