Globalization of marketing, internationalization of activities of many world companies, “great migrations of peoples” to the European territory raises the question of interaction among national cultures. The article focuses on the currently most developed cross-cultural theory of G. Hofstede that allows not only to classify various cultures, but evaluate them in specific ways. The authors discuss a number of examples of how Hofstede's theory may be applied to marketing communications.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)161-165
Number of pages5
JournalПроблемы современной экономики
Issue number2 (74)
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • desire to avoid indeterminacy, distance of power, individualism - collectivism, long-term - short term orientations, marketing communications, masculinity - femininity, theory of cross-cultural differences of G. Hofstede, дистанция власти, долгосрочная-краткосрочная ориентация, индивидуализм-коллективизм, маркетинговые коммуникации, мужественность-женственность, стремление к избеганию неопределенности, теория кросс-культурных различий Г. Хофштеде

ID: 78526877