The purpose ofthis studywas to investigate the presence
or absence of an i-shaped transition (i-glide) between
a consonant and a vowel in 300 syllables. The object
of study is the interference speech of Russian-speaking
bilinguals in Germany. The subject of the research is
Russian soft consonants. Methods for studying material — instrumental analysis of the material using the
Praat computer program (version 6.0.26).As a result of
the study, 300 syllables with soft consonants in various
positions in the word were analyzed. Material of study
is phonetically representative text. As a result of the
study,the absence of the i-shaped transition (i-glide) in
the speech of children was found 83 times (27%) in the
speech of parents 32 times (10%).In children,the problem arose in the area of sonants, affricates in different
positions.Parents made mistakeswhen implementing sonants atthe beginning,middle and end of aword,aswell
as labial and anterolingual consonants in the middle of a
word and some affricates.The above-described group of
people (parents)represents native Russian speakers,for
whom Russian is a native language from their birth.Obviously, the constant presence in the German-speaking
environment influences oral speech, however, as we can
clearly see, the pronunciation norm did not suffer much
from the influence of a “foreign” language.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)3-10
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2023

    Research areas

  • vowel and consonant, formants FI and FII, i-shaped transition (i-glide), Russianspeaking bilinguals

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

ID: 104918518