In this article tendencies аnd the role of forecasting and analytical studies on public sector services in management of a modern large city were studied. A qualitative approach to data analysis and selection of forecasting methods is revealed. Analysis of differences in public services development in large cities shows the need of implicit methods when developing forecasts.
Translated title of the contributionPrognostic and analytical studies of public sector services in the strategic management of the development of large cities
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationМеждународный экономический симпозиум – 2015: Материалы Международных научных конференций, посвященных 75-летию экономического факультета Санкт-Петербургского университета 22-25 апреля 2015 г.
Subtitle of host publicationСборник статей
EditorsС.А. Белозеров, В.В. Иванов, Д.Н. Колесов
Place of PublicationСПб.
ISBN (Print)978-5-98620-147-4
StatePublished - 2015
EventМеждународный экономический симпозиум – 2015 - ул. Таврическая, д. 21 - 2 5, Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 21 Apr 201524 Apr 2015


ConferenceМеждународный экономический симпозиум – 2015
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

ID: 4742672