In the circumstances of victorious liberalism, represented by the system of welfare state, we constantly see the attempts of self-identification of various groups, communities and even peoples through the situation of conflict. An illustrious example to that is the strategy of “special path” ( Sonderweg ), which was very typical for different states in different time, and now is still an important instrument of the inner self-identification. However, such a strategy should be realized within both historical and anthropological perspectives: it is its only way to acquire its concrete sense and quit being a mythologem. To achieve this the paper analyzes the self-identification of the parts in the conflict as in the case of such a phenomenon as “the spirit of 1914” - the history of realization such an identification by the German intellectuals in the beginning of 20 century provides us with an important comprehensive material. It is telling that the intellectuals were gravitating from the ideas of Deutscher Sond
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)38-53
Number of pages15
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • anthropology of conflict, cultural identity, dialogue of cultures, national identity, self-identification, Sonderweg, антропология конфликта, диалог культур, культурная идентичность, национальная идентичность, особый путь, самоидентификация

ID: 78456575