• Вячеслав Васильевич Миронов
  • Галина Вениаминовна Сорина
  • Вадим Юрьевич Перов
  • Тарас Александрович Вархотов
  • Людмила Владимировна Баева
  • Валентин Александрович Бажанов
  • Е.А. Барканова
  • Екатерина Вячеславовна Бебенина
  • Вадим Валерьевич Васильев
  • Ирина Николаевна Грифцова
  • Владимир Серафимович Диев
  • Ирина Михайловна Елкина (Якутина)
  • Артемий Рустямович Курбанов
  • Анна Анатольевна Костикова
  • Тигран Эмильевич Мариносян
  • Владас Ионо Повилайтис
  • Елена Константиновна Прокудина
  • Александр Петрович Сегал
  • С.А. Спартак
  • Ляйля Ахнафовна Цыренова (Мамлеева)
The article presents the results of the round table “Online and offline education: methodology and decision-making”. The round table discussed various aspects of the relationship between online and offline education. The round table was attended by the faculty and students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University, colleagues from the Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as representatives of Novosibirsk, Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, and Ulyanovsk universities. The round table not only addressed the issues of online and offline education in accordance with its name, but its own work was also organized both online and offline. The participants of the round table were unanimous in their understanding of the current situation in the education, within which not the replacement of offline education with online education is important, but a reasonable balance between the traditional speech dialogue and the possibilities of modern digital technologies. Specific examples of the existing interaction between these two forms of education were analyzed. It was shown that at the stage of familiarization of the respective subject areas' languages, for example, in the case of the philosophical language, the direct dialogue with the lecturer cannot be replaced by watching the online courses. Online feedback is mechanistic and suffers from the lack of empathy. Participants of the round table addressed also research experience of the foreign economists, psychologists, and philosophers who concluded that there are no reliable studies that would show that switching to online education does indeed reduce costs, crucially increases intellectual ability or knowledge and students' competencies. Roundtable participants supported the idea of online education as a set of additional learning tools for the traditional educational system. At the same time, the discussion represented below is also of crucial importance, because it can be considered as an example of the philosophy and philosophers' implementation in their most important modern function - the humanitarian expertise of new social projects and technologies.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)9-49
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Philosophy

ID: 52912712