Expert knowledge is a significant element of interaction between authority and society in the context of public policy and decision-making. The relationship between these three elements of public science communication is ambiguous. The article considers the possibility of solving the issue of the science autonomy in the context of public science communication, more specifically, in the context of the relationship between experts, public and the authorities. As a conceptual basis, the author proposes to use the models of communication between experts and authorities described by J. Habermas, among whom the pragmatic model turns out to be promising, but insufficiently justified. The author proposes to specify this model by supplementing it with the concept of anticipatory governance . Moreover, she considers the digital technologies not only as a means of anticipatory governance , but also as its object. The article puts forward the thesis that the design of anticipatory governance aimed at digital technologies not only contributes to the organization of a dialogue between scientific experts, public and the authorities, but can also serve the autonomy of science. The proposed conceptual synthesis of a pragmatic model of interaction between experts, public and authorities, anticipatory governance and digital technologies was considered in the context of discussing the use of digital technologies in voting on significant socio-political issues in Russian Federation. The article concludes that such a synthesis is constructive in relation to the practical identification of failures of governability or cooperation of various actors of public policy.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)11-19
JournalГосударство и граждане в электронной среде
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • public, experts, digital technologies, anticipatory governance

ID: 77071397