The multy-stylistic layering of satirical political kreolized text as a mean of creating irony is analyzed in the issue. As the material of the study the kreolized satirical political texts of "Songs of the artist" from «City Journal. 812» are used. The purpose of this article is to identify compositional means of establishing an irony in satirical political kreolized text based on discurse analysis, purposing on revealing texst types which create stylistic text layering on verbal and Visual levels. The model of text constructing is prezented as a set and a sequence of basic types of text (deskriptive, narrative, jeksplikative, argumentative, instruktive) and subject of speech and evaluation behind them. These types of text are inherent to both verbal and visual texts. As a result of the analysis of kreolized political satirical texts the conclusion was made that their stylistic layering is created by incorporating stylistically different expressions/pictures belonging to different cultures (both formal and informal, public and folk, intellectual and household), and their ironic understanding. The author's position is evident in the tone of the entire text, which is a reaction to the socio-political phenomenon, which he estimates as negative.