Stress is a complex challenge in modern society. Stress experience, on the one hand, is a reac-tion to internal or external situations or events, on the other hand, its intensity and specifics depend on one’s subjective characteristics. From this perspective, it is important to under-stand the mechanisms that mediate the perception of stress. The present paper addresses the association of perceived stress, a locus of control and self-acceptance. In this project, we em-pirically tested four models that suggest ways these three variables — perceived stress, the locus of control and self-acceptance — function. Education and economic status were taken as covariates in the models. Participants were 336 adults aged 20–60, mean age 38. Methods were perceived stress scale, a scale of self-acceptance, locus of control test by Rotter, and a de-mographical survey. Our study was based on two hypotheses: (1) locus of control is a stable characteristic that would determine the way one will react to stressful events; (2) perceived stress is a negative factor that can affect even stable personality characteristics such as locus of control. Our results showed that the model that best fitted the data was the one where perceived stress affected self-acceptance that in turn affected locus of control. Our data also suggested that education and economic status were protective factors that decreased nega-tive influence of perceived stress on self-acceptance. Thus, our results revealed that perceived stress can negatively affect personality characteristics and decrease internal locus of control.Keywords: perceived stress, a locus of control, self-acceptance, adulthood.
Translated title of the contributionPerceived stress, the locus of control and self-acceptance: theoretical and empirical approaches*
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)21-31
Number of pages11
JournalВестник СПбГУ.Психология
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2019

    Research areas

  • perceived stress, a locus of control, self-acceptanc, adulthood

ID: 46109389