The paper discusses the process of formation and development of non-governmental international organizations operating in the field of elections. The classification of these organizations by levels and areas of activity is proposed. The main focus of these types of subjects is election observation. The role of Russia in the development of international non-governmental organizations in the field of elections is revealed. The role of individual leading actors, primarily the Global Network of National Election Observers, was determined. It was revealed that the connection of these organizations with certain countries is weakening, their support from other international actors is increasing. It is determined that at the present stage, non-governmental organizations can influence the organization of the electoral process, bypassing the national level of government and having a direct impact on international structures.
Translated title of the contributionNon-governmental actors and global electoral governance
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationПолитическое пространство и социальное время: Глобальные вызовы и цивилизационные ответы
Subtitle of host publicationСборник научных трудов XХХVII Международного Харакского форума
Place of PublicationСимферополь
PublisherИТ "АРИАЛ"
ISBN (Print)978-5-907376-88-5
StatePublished - 2021
EventXXXVII международный Харакский форума «Политическое пространство и социальное время: глобальные вызовы и цивилизационные ответы» - Симферополь, Russian Federation
Duration: 5 Nov 20207 Nov 2020


ConferenceXXXVII международный Харакский форума «Политическое пространство и социальное время: глобальные вызовы и цивилизационные ответы»
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

    Research areas

  • electoral politics, electoral management, global governance, electoral studies

ID: 51053946