Despite the fact that the term "Holocaust" is widely known and used along with such common concepts as, for example, "World war II", "fascism", "October revolution" and "genocide", there is no single point of view on the definition of this concept, nor on the scale of the phenomenon, nor on its nature. The main purpose of this work is to identify the assessment of the Holocaust in various written sources, and, consequently, how readers' views on this phenomenon are formed. Depending on what data on the topic of the Holocaust is publicly available and widely distributed, and what information and in what form is presented on the relevant topic, the views of interested readers are formed. However, despite the large number of sources on the Holocaust, its mention in modern literature together with the assessment of related events remains quite diverse, and therefore the analysis of the phenomenon is difficult, and its discussion is often taboo.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2020
EventV Международная научно-практическая конференция "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS" - Пенза, Russian Federation
Duration: 27 Jul 202027 Jul 2020
Conference number: V


ConferenceV Международная научно-практическая конференция "SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS"
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Research areas

  • anti-semitism, extermination, genocide, gypsies, holocaust, jews, school literature, World War II, антисемитизм, вторая мировая война, геноцид, евреи, уничтожение, холокост, цыгане, школьная литература

ID: 78495444