Ebina Danjo is one of the most prominent Japanese Christian thinkers of the end of the XIX - first half of the XX century, famous for his efforts to combine Christianity with the ideology of State Shinto and the belief in the sacred character of Japanese Imperial Power in the so-called Kingdom of God concept. In its frame Ebina first proclaimed the possibility of its establishment on Earth when every individual realizes him- or herself as created by God and thus possessing a spark of divinity. The realization of this divine spark would lead a person to inner purification, self-perfection and progress, stimulating the spread of the Kingdom of God from an individual to a nation, from a nation to the whole world. In the course of time he started to regard Japan as a nation which would play a crucial role in the foundation of the God's Kingdom, spreading it to the world, even by means of wars and conflicts with the evil. This theory didn't contradict the main course of Japanese politics and was willingly acquired by many young patriots of the time.